Investor Relations

Sharps Technology (Nasdaq: STSS) seeks to enhance shareholder value not only through exceptional business performance and practices, but also through responsible and effective communication with its shareholders.

Nasdaq : STSS
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Data delayed 15 minutes unless otherwise indicated (view delay times for all exchanges). RT=Real-Time, RTB=Real-Time BATS BZX Price/Quote; not sourced from all markets, RTN=Real-Time NASDAQ Basic+ Price/Quote; not sourced from all markets, EOD=End of Day, PD=Previous Day. Terms of Use.

Company Overview

Sharps Technology, Inc. is a medical device company addressing global issues while engineering a safer future for healthcare providers and people everywhere through compassionate innovation. Sharps Provensa™ is our premier line of smart safety syringes that eliminate accidental needlestick injuries, prevent needle reuse, and reduce wasted medicine and vaccines—while retaining the intuitive simplicity of traditional syringes.

Sharps Provensa safety syringes offer solutions to global healthcare crises such as the 1-2 billion syringe shortage forecasted by the World Health Organization (WHO). Our Ultra-Low Waste™ syringes offer a solution to minimize vaccine waste while offering reliable needlestick protection. Sharps Technology syringes are patented and comply with US regulatory and WHO guidelines. Our safety syringes are currently being produced at our ISO certified, FDA-cleared facility for medical device production with CE mark approval.

With a thriving research and development division, Sharps Technology continues to expand our product line including pre-filled syringe designs suitable for big pharma production and specialty market therapeutics, as well as customized delivery systems. With more innovative designs on the horizon, Sharps Technology is positioned for a bright future in the business of designing, manufacturing, and commercializing the sale of smart safety syringes.

Nasdaq: STSS
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Data delayed 15 minutes unless otherwise indicated (view delay times for all exchanges). RT=Real-Time, RTB=Real-Time BATS BZX Price/Quote; not sourced from all markets, RTN=Real-Time NASDAQ Basic+ Price/Quote; not sourced from all markets, EOD=End of Day, PD=Previous Day. Terms of Use.

IR Contacts


Sharps Technology, Inc.
105 Maxess Road, Suite 124
Melville, NY 11747
[email protected]

Investor Relations

RedChip Companies Inc.
Craig Brelsford, Specialist
[email protected]

Transfer Agent

VStock Transfer, LLC
Shay Galam
18 Lafayette Place
Woodmere, New York 11598
T: 212-828-8436
F: 646-536-3179
[email protected]